Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Because of the uniqueness of the product ingredients and packaging, Lemuria will stand out among other products which are similar. There is only 1 major international competitor offering a similar product, from which Lemuria’s basic concept was derived, and improved upon. “A sustainable competitive advantage is a function of the speed with which competitors can imitate a leading company’s strategy and plans.” (MKTG, Lamb Hair McDaniel. Pg.22) We expect consistent growth of online sales because of the explosive growth of the use of computers and online retailing. “Online retailing, or e-tailing, is a type of shopping available to consumers with personal computers and access to the Internet. Over 70% of Americans have Internet access either at home or at work.” (MKTG, Lamb Hair McDaniel. Pg.201) Expansion of product line can include various jewelry diffusers, calendars, books, and clothing which reflect the eclectic Lemuria mystique. A portion of projected sales will go to benefit environmental causes, such as deforestation. Also, a portion of projected sales will go to benefit international disaster relief.

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